Well, here it is. I haven't had a bedroom in over two years. I define a bedroom as having four walls, a ceiling, a floor, a door and one working light fixture. I've learned you have to be specific in these things. Libby got a new bed too, which you can see at the foot of ours.

I haven't bought a bedskirt yet because I don't know if we are going to get a new bed frame right away or not. The pillows and throw are all christmas presents, except for the hot pink one which is vintage. The lights are from IKEA and the rug I bought a couple of years ago deeply clearanced. The nightstands are temporary stand-ins. I'll show before-and-afters of some vintage nightsands I bought once we have refinished them.

A vintage record player table we got from my brother-in-law Curtis which will store linens for the upstairs. On top is a Julia Rothman print Josh gave me for Chrismas last year.

Plus a little vase we bought from a ceramics studio in Red Lodge on our anniversary. All of my decorations, art, pictures, etc. are in storage so I jumped at the chance to dig out a few for display here.

We are reusing all the old doors upstairs, and putting them in shiny new frames. They're all in Easter egg colors and I am tempted to keep them all like this until the whole upstairs is done and then paint them all white at once. That way just for a little while we can have silly pink, mint, and aqua. This door is pink with an aqua blue door handle.
The closet still needs another coat of paint and the actual closet fixtures. I'm happy with our decision to have a large open closet / dressing room and a modestly sized bedroom. It lets the whole space feel more open because there is still light poring in from three differents sides of the house. And, hopefully, it means we can contain any clutter to the closet and keep the bedroom clean and sparse, the way I like it.